Sunday, May 10, 2009

Actually, yes, I would like the chest to wear it on too.

Alternate title: Mother's Day--The Low Road

I know it is petty, but sometimes I would like a teensy bit of credit for the things I do. I bet you do them too. You know, the things that are essential to the running of the household; or maybe just considerate--but that go entirely unnoticed by everyone else. Things like:

  • Being able to pinpoint exactly where every item of clothing is at any moment: "your middle drawer"/"the hamper"/"in your cubby at school"/"in the too-small box because you outgrew it two years ago"

  • The biweekly declutter (along with the weekly, semiweekly, daily, and hourly declutters)

  • Dressing and undressing in the dark if others are sleeping

  • Unloading the dishwasher 98.7% of the time
  • Wiping the bathroom sink clean every single night (can't anyone get their toothpaste down the drain? How does it end up on the shelf under the medicine cabinet?)
So for Mother's Day, I am giving myself a giant pat on the back. And here's one for you too; what do you do that no one ever appreciates?

*My husband is very good at holidays so I am sure I will be suitably thanked and celebrated today. It's just the other 364 days a year that sometimes need work.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Well, besides everything you just said...

Going to the grocery store 5 times a week.

Happy Mother's Day!

Kirsetin Morello said...

Okay, I'll admit to taking dishes out of the dirty dishwasher to rinse them correctly before running the thing. Yep, ours is the old kind. I'm not sure I'll ever recover if we get one of those fancy, go-ahead-and-put-your-food-in-here ones.

Happy Mother's Day.

Melisa Wells said...

I loved this. ;)

Hear, hear! (or is it here, here?)

You covered the majors for me; I'm too lazy to think of anything else.

Hope you're having a great day!

Kate said...

I got treated pretty nice today, and the think the boys all know what I do for them.

Except the time when CJ asked me when was I going to please turn off the vacuum already because he couldn't hear the TV. Huh? Yeah, total appreciation.

Happy Mother's Day!

Lady M said...

No one else keeps track of the status of anything. What is the baby going to eat this week? What are we going to eat this week? Are there clean clothes? Are the bills due? Which bills? Where are the bills? Where are the stamps?

Swapping pats on the back with you!

Julie @ The Mom Slant said...

You know I know about all of that stuff. Here's your big pat from me too, my friend.

Heather said...

Ha ha! I don't think anyone truly understands what we do every day except for other moms.

Hope you had a great day!

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

I'd like the chest to wear it on, too...

Making sure the kids get their vitamins. Taking them to dr appts. Keeping the medicine cabinet stocked. Changing my son's sheets every 3 days to reduce his allergies. -- Last week I learned my husband does not know how to operate the humidifier. The one that I've put in the kids' rooms every time they've gotten sick in the last 7 years. How could he not know how it works? Sheesh.

Farmers Wifey said...

YES YES YES this is me! Dressing in the dark, knowing where EVERYTHING is!!! All the little things we know and can do....

the mama bird diaries said...

Yes, yes, all those things!

Lisa said...

Don't forget about the snacks you pack for the kids' school days, the fundraisers for school/sports, dealing with homework/assorted paperwork from school, taking care of any pets, shopping for gifts during holidays.... ;-)

Kimberly said...

I've literally told my mother, mother-in-law and sister-in-law that if anything ever happens to me they MUST ensure my girls: 1. get their finger and toenails clipped regularly, 2. get their hair brushed daily and cut regularly, 3. have nice, clean, matching clothing to wear and 4. still receive fun, girly gifts. Because my husband is clueless about all this stuff.

Hope you had a nice Mother's Day! (and get a little more appreciate the other 364 days too).

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