Friday, April 18, 2008

Haiku Friday: Meddling kids edition

Wake early, sneak down
Kids' spidey senses trigger
Crush my workout groove

Seriously, I cannot catch a break from these two. Every other school day I drag them from their beds with barely enough time to dress and wolf down some breakfast. Turns out the secret to getting them up is for me to wake up early and try to squeeze in some exercise. Then they're all over me like white on rice critiquing my posture (Jo, and I quote: "Mommy, you need to make your legs straight like his. ... Mommy, that's not how you do a warrior pose.") and begging for a channel change.

Maybe I'd have better luck over at Johnny's.

Haiku Friday


Kat said...

I hate it when my kids wake up in the middle of my run. Bah! Such is the life of a mom, I suppose. :)

Tree said...

N now joins me and works on the elliptical for a few minutes. The part I hate the most is when he wants to change the channel...

Anonymous said...

This always happens to me, too. On days I actually want them to sleep, they wake up extra early and ruin my blogging, I mean EXERCISE time.

Julie Pippert said...

Oh my gosh! My kids have the exact same Spidey sense. I get up an alleged hour early to get my blog stuff done and VOILA! they are downstairs, wakeful and demanding. So we compromise: you sit and eat breakfast and watch a show on Sprout and leave me alone and I'll not be Cruella de Crankville the rest of the morning. This kind of balance is how I know we have a happy family. ;)

Joyce said...

That happens to me, too. I just have to get my exercise by going for a walk, if I don't want to get laughed at. :(

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, this is too cute and too true! What makes it that way? Grin. Nifty post!

Christina said...

Despite the white noise in her room, plus the door being closed, Cordy still manages to hear the slightest creak in the floor when one of us gets up in the morning, and is awake within five minutes. I can never get time to myself in the morning.

Good luck. I hope you get more chances in the morning than me.

Lady M said...

Good heavens, yoga critique early in the morning! You have great patience (or tolerance, at least).