The kids got to hold one that was about two weeks old: And here's a similar scene, with sound effect:
The teenage kids who help raise these animals are the fifth generation to live at this farm and raise sheep.
Of course, we only found out after we'd fallen in love with the cute wittle babies that this breed is raised for meat, not wool. And after we toured the barn, we were invited inside the house for some samples of ... lamb stew.
Faaaaaaarm livin' is the life for me! Um, maybe not.
lamb stew? Oh no. you must go rescue all of them right now.
Just as I was thinking, "sooooo cute!"
I have a colleague who bought a ranch and needed goats to keep the bramble down. They had a choice of milk or meat goats, and they decided on meat so that they wouldn't be tied to a daily milking schedule. Being further from my food sources makes me forget all the practical things about farm life.
My mother and sister once did a garden tour through England, in which they saw rather a lot of little lambs. One night at dinner, my sister said - do you think it's one of the white ones or one of the black ones?
Lamb stew? Right after holding a live one? No thanks...
Are you kidding? Lamb stew was served?
At least they didn't suggest you select a lamb and put it on lay-a-way. Or did they?
Looks like the kids had fun holding the little guys!
I do not. Will not. Ever. Eat lamb. Eww.
And they are soooo cute!
::once again, I find myself considering going vegetarian::
They're too cute to eat!
LOL! Oh no! That would totally suck. Maybe you have a truck and a big backyard and you could save them all???! Now I remember why I haven't eaten beef or pork in years. I think the same things about the cows and the piggies.
oddly enough, we were just talking about lamb & how I can't bring myself to eat it or veal.
I'm ok with the grown-up not so cute cows, but not the little calfs/calves/baby cows.
Lamb stew!! Hee hee hee.
Oh no! What if we all buy lots of wool? They definitely should not tell you AFTER you hold them. Aiiyyy!
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