Six years later, her personality is much the same--95% go-getter, 5% ponderer. She doesn't tumble head-over-heels into things without thinking, but she does have confidence and self-possession in spades. (And yes, this is borderline obnoxious, so we work on knowing when to speak up and when to let others have a turn.) Despite her small size, she holds her own in a classroom full of children as much as three years older. She is fearless when it comes to swimming, climbing, public speaking--all those things that so many adults have trouble confronting.

She just brought home a huge stack of papers from school. These four cracked me up and deserve to be recorded here for posterity.
1. Name badge from field trip to hospital--the picture is of her in the CT scanner, or as she called it during her hospital stay, "the doughnut machine." She was in there 5 times last summer. I think she drew a pretty good likeness.

2. Recently adopted signature. I thought this didn't happen until about age 10.

3. "Writer's Workshop: Tru Storry," meditation on the theme of "making a mess."

4. "My Dream"

Happy birthday, Jo. May all your dreams come true, even the ones about getting your "her" done and wearing "macop."
Oh, oh, oh. Sniffle. Happy Birthday, Jsie! And she has my FAVORITE girl's name!
That's JOsie. Doh.
Cute cute cute cute and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her (and you!)!
I do love 7. I love the toothless smiles and the reading and the writing and the new curiosity for the bigger world. A whole new level.
Happy (day late) birthday to her! I love that signature, but you are right I didn't think that happened until 10. Precocious possibly?
Happy 7th to your very creative girl.
Happy Birthday to your little girl!!
Hope all your dreams come true Jo.
Happy birthday to your big girl! Is it pathetic that this post brought me to tears? Just think of it as evidence of my love for Jo.
Tacy also sends her heartfelt birthday wishes, including her wish that they could celebrate together.
Happy birthday to Josie and happy seven years to you!
Happy Birthday, big girl! I love her story (and her dancing too.)
Happy Birthday to your big girl! I love her signature, very fancy.
I often meditate on making messes myself but I like Jo's better.
Happy Birthday Jo! Don't stop keeping Mom on her toes, because she obviously loves it ;)
I could just repeat my comment on Opie's birthday post, substituting Jo, Mimi, and 7 as appropriate. ;-)
Happy belated birthday to your big girl!
Wow: Happy birthday to your little (big) gal! I love the reach-for-the-star "e" in her signature, and I hope she and you all had a wonderful day.
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