Friday, May 11, 2007

What makes me a mom

Ever since Parent Bloggers and Light Iris posed the question "What makes you a mother?" I've been thinking about how I'd answer. I knew right away it had very little to do with carrying and birthing my babies. Though I love to trade pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding war stories as much as the next mom, I believe that adoptive, foster, and stepmothers, along with other mother figures (like the grandmother and three childless aunts who helped raise my husband alongside his "birth" mom) are every bit as motherly as I am.

What really makes me a mom, I thought, are two things: sacrifice and bodily fluids. I'm a mother because I've given up hours--weeks--of sleep to my children. I've slowed my career, changed my name and my financial priorities, moved to Mayberry. My body has been permanently scarred and temporarily bruised. Every meal I eat is interrupted, and eligible for sharing whether I want to give it away or not. There's no one else I'd do all that for.

And I know you know what I mean about the fluids. Sure I picked up dog poop before I had kids. I changed diapers often when I babysat. But before I had kids I never had the pleasure of hearing a poop blowout happen from the front seat of the car, then extricating a craptastic little baby out of a car seat, carrying her inside face down and at arms' length, peeling off her clothes without befouling her hair, and spending a half-hour bleaching everything in sight. I never knew how it felt to stuff my bra with nursing pads (and still wake up with soaked pajamas every morning). I never leaped across the back seat of a speeding car to catch another person's vomit.

Yeah. Motherhood. It's pretty gross. But these two make me a mother, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Now you go: Put up a post about what makes you a mom and you could win a $100 GC to You could use it for a glute massage! Get all the details at Parent Bloggers Network.


Damselfly said...

Weeks. Of. Sleep. I wouldn't give that up for just anyone!


Nice post.

Anonymous said...

The things we do in the name of love! haha

Great post!

Michelle Alley said...

Great post! You say it how it is - it's refreshing!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I've become quite the snot consistency inspector myself.'s so glamorous! ;)

Kate said...

Nice post. I already posted my essay on motherhood, but for different reasons. I didn't realize I could get gifts for it!

Scribbit said...

Glute massage? LOL love one.

Anonymous said...

The POOP.... good lord I had no idea. NO idea. This kid shits so much I wonder if I should be worried. He craps in his diaper, he craps on the changing table, he's even crapped on Jeff. (I've been peed on, but no poop yet).
Damn straight about the fluids sistah.

MamaMaven said...

I am so with you on the bodily fluids, who knew?!

Jen said...

Ditto on the bodily fluids. My husband suggested we buy a new mattress and I was like, "What? We're still in the bodily fluid stage!!"

mamatulip said...

You are so right. I used to see kids with boogers and get kinda grossed out by them. Now I'm all, "Check out the size of that rock!" or "My kid produces bigger nuggets than *your* kid." And by golly, I've got them smeared on my shirt to prove it.

Happy Momma's Day, MayberryMom!

Anonymous said...

Catching vomit. Yep. That's the very definition of motherhood.

Girlplustwo said...

perfect. a wonderful mom at that.

Lady M said...

Body fluids indeed - I never thought it was possible to spend so much time wiping up drool and . . . other stuff.

Anonymous said...

But wait, what about the snot, the drool and not to mention all the fluids that came out of you to get those two? Those are very important. And worth it :)

Lisa said...

What a fabby post!

Maybe someday when those kiddos move out we moms will have our days of sleep back. heehee.