Monday, June 09, 2008

The snack to end all snacks

Recently my husband quizzed Jo about most tradeable lunchbox items. We were surprised to learn that the hierarchy went something like:

Ice cream [unclear how this is a packable lunchbox item, but whatev] --> trumped by Chee-tos --> trumped by Fruit Roll-Ups.
And then, the very next day (I'm completely serious), Parent Bloggers Network contacted me about My Fruit Roll-Ups. It turns out that along with personalized M&Ms and Kleenex boxes, now you can customize your sticky flattened fruit-flavored snacks too!
To find out what we thought--and win your own carton--head on over to The Full Mommy (where there are other giveaways underway, too).
The wonder-Grandma is here and as befits a woman of her stature, we're making her help with home improvement projects, yardwork, and kid-wrangling. See you in a day or two.


Don Mills Diva said...

I want to order some customized fruit roll-ups - I mean, how cool is that?

Lady M said...

Blog logo for BlogHer swag in Fruit Roll up form? It'd be a winner.

Just wondering - Have you seen my blog updates in either Bloglines or Google Reader this weekend? I think they may not be showing up since I did the url-forwarding.

Bon said...

fruit rollups trump cheetos? seriously? wow. i'm going to start hanging out in schoolyards saying "pssst, kid...wanna some fruit?"

motherbumper said...

Do they do profanities I wonder (not for the kid mind you, only for my entertainment and gifting purposes).

Anonymous said...

Did someone say Cheeto's?

Julie Pippert said...

My mean my kid could put her name on fruit roll-ups and be Queen of the lunchroom?

I'll keep that in mind if she ever runs for student council.